Beckerson Kitchen Remodel part 2

From Design to Reality

SketchUp file.

The finished product looks remarkably similar to the SketchUp file.

Testing Interior Finishes

It’s plain to see, from the two images above, just how helpful pre-visualization can be. For “lay-designers” who don’t have the time to learn AutoCadSketchUp

I love that Scmakes it so easy to add textures and finishes to your rendering. If you can’t find an object, furnishing, or finish in their “3D-Warehouse”, it’s a simple matter to create it yourself.

I created the IKEA finish used in my rendering by taking a photograph of the sample we got at Ikea, did some color corrections to make sure the effect was right and then added it to the textures in the Paint Bucket tool.

The awesome Cole & Son wallpaper we used, “Woods”, had a digital texture available on their website, as many companies do.

Potter Construction Hat Trick

This year one of my favorite local clients, Potter Construction (they're right here inWest Seattle), took home three awards home from the Master Builders Association's Rex / T-Rex awards, with a little help for yours truly.  Congratulations to everyone at Potter!

Of course, they use Architectural Photography to jury the awards...  The folks at Potter understand this and they have used the power of great imagery to win awards and become one of the premier remodelers in the Seattle area. In fact last year the Puget Sound Business Journal listed among the top ten grossing residential GCs in Washington State.  If you are a Designer, Architect, Developer, or Builder interested in taking your business to the next level, think about hiring a great Photographer (me, if you're in Seattle) to help win your awards and get the most out of your best work!

Portrait Magazine Feature

Because my client forgot to tell me about this submission prior to its publication, I was surprised to find it belatedly while browsing online! 

Portrait Magazine wins my praise, for layouts that flatter the photography, as well as their generous ratio of content to advertising.  Seems like some of the Architectural and Interior Design rags out there have sold out: publishing three short features amidst hundred of pages of ads...   Not so in the case Portrait Magazine.  Keep up the good work Claudia!

Contractor: Conscious Craftsman

Interior Design: Heather L. Kirk

A Couples guide for Remodeling part 2

Okay, I've decided to abandon the dime store psychology...   After some more joint remodeling trial and error with LadyBeck, I think I'd sum up the situation as follows: if you keep the lines of communication open, and realize that it's not just about you and your vision (ego), and furthermore accept that there will be disagreements and focus on solutions, there's no reason that your project cannot be enjoyable and successful.


Our latest remodeling adventure is a kitchen update!  Pre-visualizing our design (in SketchUp) was instrumental in helping us come to agreement on all the various decisions!


Stay tuned for "Beckerson" kitchen remodel updates.


SketchUp rendering gives a preview of the new design and materials.

SketchUp rendering gives a preview of the new design and materials.


A Couples guide for Remodeling part 1

I've been obsessed with the idea of Remodeling lately, and for two great reasons:

  1. LadyBeck wasn't thrilled when she arrived for her first stay at my (our) house a month or so before she first moved in.
  2. I recently taught myself to use sketchup, a most excellent and user friendly 3d rendering program, and promptly re-designed my house.

From the get go it was clear that Ladybeck and I had different design aesthetics, and I foresaw conflict.  We've all heard horror stories of home renovation projects leading to divorce.  I personally know more than a few couples who fight about almost nothing, but battle bitterly when it comes time to update the kitchen, or redo the bath.

After some early signs, I decided to adopt the thinking man's approach to peacefully Remodeling in collaboration with my mate.  

Here's what I've come up with to date:

Disclaimer: It's a test

Remodeling will test your relationship, reveal it's strengths and weaknesses.  My suggestions that follow are just that...  In the end it's about you and your partner, and your joint willingness to come the the table and open yourselves different points of view.  

Step 1: Turn compromise into collaboration.

Let's assume the goal is harmony, collective happiness.  "Great," you say, "but how does one marry a man cave with a powder puff palace, or styles that just seem completely incompatible?"  

Frequently when compromising, the Dream Kitchen in your head succumbs to mediocrity, as this color and that fixture fall in sacrifice to peace.  Isn't this just the nature is of compromise?  Perhaps not...

Enter collaboration, where two or more people Dream as one...   The vision doesn't need to be watered down if it's shared from the moment of conception!  Sounds wonderful, no?  You may say, "Easier said than done, Jeff Beck".  To which I would reply, "Granted, which is why I have taken the time ruminate and offer my observations, in the hopes of making it easier for me and you." 

Understanding the subtle difference between compromise and collaboration will prime your mind for a harmonious and successful partnership.  If you are thinking about sacrifice and compromise, that's what you'll get.  However, deciding to make your Design a group effort that encompasses multiple goals and points of view will transform both the process and result.  What might have been a divisive nightmare, will become a joyful project that brings you and your mate closer than ever.  To be continued...








Blog post 1: Plan for greatness

Hello and welcome!

DESIGN... What an amazing concept!  It underlies all things great and beautiful, whether they are born of human artifice or the unfathomable wild perfection of nature.  Indeed, it is interesting to consider all the different ways in which we use this fantastic word (and we shall in future posts).

You can expect a different type of Design Blog from this Architectural Photographer!  Yes, I will share my project photos, but the real plan of this blog, is to test ideas with the help of your feedback.  

I hope you are inspired to follow, share, like, and most importantly contribute!
